Coronavirus chaos means tax filing deadline should be pushed back

America is feeling pretty frantic right now. The coronavirus and its accompanying fears have upended the nation’s everyday life in extreme fashion.

Bars and restaurants, movie theaters, malls and stores are becoming empty. And there’s barely a whiff of traffic at the Lincoln Tunnel in the mornings!

It’s hard to tell whether the high level of fear is warranted, or is being blown way out of proportion by the mainstream media, or both. Whatever the case, it has become so extreme, Americans can’t even find a simple bottle of hand sanitizer or masks to buy (at least for a decent price).

Companies are canceling conferences and travel, and some are asking employees to work from home, all in response to the coronavirus scare. I believe it’s better to be safe than sorry, and feel tremendous compassion for those afflicted.

In the midst of all this chaos it’s also tax season, and typically this time of year everyday Americans are meeting with their accountants as they prepare to file their taxes by April 15 — which in itself can be stressful for many.

So, in light of the circumstances, I’d like to propose a 30- to 60-day postponement of the tax filing deadline.

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That will not alleviate the fear, but it will at least make this frantic time a little easier for Main Street Americans and small businesses trying to stay afloat.

Meeting this year’s tax deadline has become very unrealistic and an unnecessarily burdensome addition to the stress of the nation.

That’s not to mention the accounting firms and their employees, who have to have meetings with clients and partner reviews of tax returns, all the while working seven days a week, 10 to 12 hours a day — not good for anyone’s immune system.

Americans need a little less pressure right now, and any help from Treasury would probably be very well received.

Coronavirus chaos means tax filing deadline should be pushed back Coronavirus chaos means tax filing deadline should be pushed back Reviewed by Tax Resolution Plus on March 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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