Readers React: Taxes would jump with 'Medicare for All’

Some of the Democratic presidential candidates are supporting free college education and free medical care to all citizens of the U.S.

Some very basic research (not in depth by any stretch of the imagination) found several Western European countries that offer free education (some small administrative costs may be charged), and free health care.

Here are some of those countries and the average personal income tax rates of each: Norway 38.2%; Sweden 57.2%; Germany 45%; Denmark 55.8%; Finland 53.75%; Austria 55%; France 45%; Netherlands 51.75%. The candidates profess to be able to pay for these services by taxing specific areas (the very wealthy, Wall Street transactions, etc.).

The services being offered by the candidates are wonderful, and I approve of the intentions behind their cause. But are we, the American people, willing to have our tax base match most of the countries in Western Europe? We can’t even get people locally to support small increases in property taxes to improve our public school systems.

Readers React: Taxes would jump with 'Medicare for All’ Readers React: Taxes would jump with 'Medicare for All’ Reviewed by Tax Resolution Plus on March 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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